„Your workshops are always pragmatic and lots of fun to attend“, that is how one participant described her seminar experience with me as a trainer.
There is no better way to characterise my way of working. It is most important to me to accompany people individually, to encourage and to support them during their personal development process. I believe the best way of doing this is to build rapport with participants in a relaxed and warm way and use a focussed way of working. And: Don’t forget the fun part.
After my education as a banker I serviced credit customers. After that I became a training manager and coach at the bank. Already at that time communication, performance, sales and distribution as well as service have already been my main focus areas. In 1997 I decided to quit my job at the bank and become a freelance trainer and to broaden my business activities. I find it very exciting to work for different industries and to adapt workshops to individual client’s needs.
I am specialised in leadership, self- and relationship management as well as representation and presentation. I am certified to use international psychometric instruments such as DISC, Team Management System (TMS) and the Life Orientation LIFO method.
I am also a certified systemic coach and trainer with broad experiences and an extensive tool box which helps me to work individually with the participants and coahées in a solution-orientated way.
I live with my family close to Düsseldorf, and love to travel the world.