
There are a lot of potential variations for this topic. The overview below outlines the basic resilience training for individuals – and we can of course adapt this as well. Another interesting application with different design could be a course for people managers or other special target groups. Other options could focus on certain aspects, attitudes or action factors from the resilience model. We can deliver most options virtually interactive, too.

Resilience is the force enabling people to overcome loss, tragic and very stressful situations and to adapt to change. Resilience is the inner strength to cope with crises and tough life situations so that people can emerge even stronger from it. Moreover, resilience is a preventive force: it helps to prepare for future difficulties, and activates our potential for change and personal development. *The Model, main content has been developed by the Resilienz Zentrum, Germany, Monika Gruhl and Hugo Körbächer, who have written several very recommendable books about resilience.


To cope effectively with very stressful and challenging situations

This results in:

  • Knowledge of what is needed to be resilient
  • Awareness of your personal level of all resilience factors
  • Balancing your mood better in challenging times
  • Enhanced sense of personal power
  • Ability to respond positively to change
  • Personal action plan to develop your individual resilience

The course focuses on:

  • Research background
  • Personal experiences
  • Understanding the resilience model and the seven factors.
  • Exploring the fundamental attitudes optimism, acceptance and solution orientation
  • Different experiential exercises to get to the core of these factors
  • Personal & group reflection
  • Experiencing, analysing and discussing the 4 action factors
  • Personal reflection for all parts to develop beyond the current status
  • Depending on group’s need and time: different ways to boost your energy short- and long-term


  • Pre-course needs analysis
  • Practical exercises for each resilience factor
  • Experiential activities
  • Lots of personal reflection and practical tips to transfer insights into real life practice
  • Energy toolbox, action plan
  • Different variations for follow-up between individuals, for the group possible

Length of Course:

2 days